There are different strategies for creating high performance learning environments for all students. Three of these strategies include Project Based Learning, Chinese Math instructional Program, and Whole Brain Teaching. Although different from each other, each of the method is uniquely effective in providing high behavior and academic expectations for students.
In the video, Roller Coaster Physics, the teacher has high behavior and high academic expectations of all her students. The students in this 5th and 6th grade class in New York State are learning about physics and energy by designing a roller coaster. The video depicts a class where students are actively engaged in their own learning as they problem solve and collaborate with their classmates. Through discussions, trial and error, reflection, and testing, the student discover how physics is at work as it relates to how a roller coaster moves.
In this class, the teacher has high behavioral expectations for her class. This is seen through the interactions of the students. It is obvious that these students have been trained to communicate respectfully with each other, to listen to and be respectful of each other’s ideas, and to provide each other with feedback. The teacher allows the students to interact freely and learn from each other. The students discuss and review each other’s work. They have learned that real-life projects, such as building a roller coaster, requires teamwork, communication, and collaboration among engineers and other stakeholders. There is no behavior issues observed because the the work is highly engaging for the students. It is evident that norm, procedures, and behavior expectations have been set in place. For example, the students understand how ‘chiming’ works. A group member ‘chimes’ out the difficulty that their group members have been experiencing. While each person shares, the other class members listen respectfully and attentively. After each person shares, the class is expected to provide feedback.
In addition, the teacher has high expectations for the students’ academic performance. She has chosen a model of project-based learning, which is a method that allows for high student engagement in real-life applicable learning. Each student is on task in the learning process of discovering the principles of physics and energy in the designing and working of a roller coaster. The teacher uses the technique called ration from Teach Like a Champion. This is where the teacher acts a facilitator and leaves space for the children to do most of the cognitive work. This is evident in how students are engaged in designing the roller coaster as a team. They each must play a part in the overall success of the group’s work. Additionally, through the process of designing and experimenting, all students are able to learn from their own mistakes. It is obvious that the teacher does not tell the students their mistakes. The students discover how to make improvements after they draw the sketch of their roller coaster design. They test their design on the computer. If the design fais, each student must reflect and write modifications for improving their work. The teacher also sets high performance expectations by allowing students to be responsible for their own learning and to track their growth in the learning process.
The math lesson in the 3rd grade Chinese class also shows that the teacher has high behavior and high academic expectations of all the students. This teacher uses a different method from the project based learning seen in the roller coaster design video. This teacher is the traditional teacher with the students sitting and reciting their multiplication facts. The teacher stands at the front of the classroom and delivers instruction. Nonetheless, the students are highly engaged in their learning. No behavior issues are seen as the students chant their multiplication tables in a highly engaging manner. The teacher participates, encourages, and leads the students along cheerfully. The students sit respectfully and appear to be happy and eager to learn.
The teacher also has high academic expectations for each student. In this class, and in China, in general , according to the article, What Makes Chinese Math Lesson So Good, students are expected to memorize their multiplication tables at an early age. Students are also exposed to math for an extended period of time. According to the article, “the Chinese curriculum in math is a nine-year programme divided into four mathematical stages, running from primary school to grade 9, when a child is 14 years old. The curriculum sets out four teaching periods a week for maths in primary and junior high schools.” Even with this high amount of math engagement, most schools, according to the article, arrange more than five periods each week. Some teachers even feel that 15 hours of math per week is not enough time for math. Given the demanding nature of mathematics instruction in China, students perform very well. Clearly,teachers, parents and the Chinese government set high academic expectations for students. In this video, students are expected to recite the multiplication tables and solve three digit multiplications problems. Students are also expected to master content and to perform well on standardized testing.
The teacher in the Whole Brain Classroom also has high behavior and academic expectations for students. Whole Brain Teaching is an approach that is designed to increase student engagement by allowing students to learn with their entire body. Students repeat information frequently, do physical movements with the bodies, and teach others content through repetition. In the video, the students are actively engaged with the content through their entire body, as the brain is designed to work in this way. The teacher circulates to check that students are “teaching” each other the content that was previously taught.
This teacher also sets high behavior expectations for her students. The students recite, along with the accompanying movement, the expectations for their behavior. The students appear happy as they engage their body in repeating the rules. No behavior issues are observed in this class. The class follows a point system, where students are rewarded for good behavior and performance. In addition, the students are also expected to have high academic achievement. The Whole Brain method is built upon research of how the brain works and how children learn. This teacher is therefore applying the principles of repetition, physical movement, active participation to make learning fun and engaging for all students. .
After reading the literature and watching the videos of Project Based Learning, Chinese Math instructional Program and Whole Brain Teaching, I have learned that there is no single right way of teaching and learning. Therefore, it is important as an educator, to take into consideration what works best for the students we serve. Personally, I would use some aspects of each of the three methods when working with my fifth grade ELA and Social Studies students at John Burroughs Elementary. My students would benefit from the physical movement that is a hallmark of the Whole Brain Teaching. I believe that the constant movement and the associations of specific movements with words and content will allow my students to master and retain information while having fun learning.
Additionally, project based learning would be a very effective way for my students to engage with and truly understand the intricacies of the information they learn in social studies. So often students find Social Studies to be boring and meaningless. However, if my students are given the opportunity to work on meaningful projects, then they would make more meaning of their learning through a hands-on experiences.
Furthermore, some aspects of discipline and memorization seen from the Chinese Math instructional program will help my students to be disciplined in learning and memorizing historical facts. There is plethora a information that can only be learned through study and memorizations such as dates, facts, and details of historical events. The Chinese Math instructional strategy would be effective for my students in this particular context. Taken together, all three methods incorporate strong principles of high behavior and academic expectations for all students. Using aspects from each method will enable me to create a high performance learning environment for my students
Works Cited
Roller Coaster Physics: STEM in Action [TeachingChannel]. (2009). United
Third Grade Chinese Math Class [YouTubeVideo]. (2011). China: Crystal Chen.
Whole Brain Teaching Richwood High - The Basics [YouTubeVideo]. (2011).
Louisiana: Shayne.
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